Saturday, March 30, 2013



In performing my internship, it's a successful one I had to take the help and guideline of some respected persons. First of all I am grateful to Allah who gives me sound mind & sound health to accomplish my summer placement. The completion of the task gives me much Pleasure. Then, I would like to thank to my lecturer of this subject, Madam Zurina Jusoh for the valuable guidance and advice. She inspired us greatly to work, commit  in this internship session. Her willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to my internship session . I also would like to thank her for showing me and my classmate some example and also technics in the organization that related to the topic discuss of our internship session  Besides, i would like to thank the authority of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur (KPTMKL) for providing us with a good environment and facilities to complete this course.
In addition, I would to thank to my classmate because of the availability from all of them while discussing the topic, experience and ideas of this internship session  We collaborates together to find ideas that can be included into this task to completion in print and sent to the lecturer involved.
Besides that, I would to appreciate my internship supervisor which Miss Zahiatul Huda. She is the person that in-charge in order to evaluate my assessment and performance related in working industry. 
As the most important person, I also want to thanks to Mr. Mohd Nor Azman B. Mohd Ariff as my Managing Director in his company which is MAYAM LEGACY ENTERPRISE that giving me chance and opportunity to work in his organization in order to complete my internship session within 2 month until it's been done completely. 


  1. Nice article love to read the whole new way of your writing this things.


  2. thanking allah..really that was a turn off for me .. the people who thank and blame anything and everything to god are really annoying to me...

  3. This is the one of best post which i read to take the direction for the industrial training.
    Thanks for sharing this.
    Php Training in Chandigarh

  4. Yes.. Batch grade year 2013. Syok ke pkai mac kt lab?

  5. Kalau copyright lect kptm tau tak?

    1. Make sure kalau copy, buang suma y bkaitan dgn company y sy internship ini. Tapi skiranya page sy ini telah direkemen oleh lectrer, better jgn copy. Pasti akan kntoi
